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Joining the University of Leeds or Leeds Metropolitan University in September? Want to join a fun-filled society, attend loads of events throughout the year, and meet like-minded people


How to sign up

We run several events during the year, starting with our fresher's stall at the fresher's fair, keep your eye out for us! This is a great way to meet some of the committee and you can also sign up. 

You can also sign up by following the link on the right. Log in, and add membership to basket. 


Your sponsorship will determine whether we can pull off events that have been spectacular in the past. This will in turn determine how much we can do for charity. These include sell-out events such as Manchester Garba, University of Leeds Sharad Poonam Garba, Sewa (charity) day

and week (where your service would be most appreciated , where various fund-raising and charitable activities will be carried out) and Mehfil 2014. These collectively celebrate culture, diversity and spirituality. 


Advertising opportunities for your service are immense. In return for your contributions, we will display your logo on our merchandise, which include leaflets, hoodies and membership packs. Any of our NHSF Leeds videos, which will be viewed by thousands of people on Facebook and Youtube will display your logo. This is the same for any events that we carry out, for example, your logo on event tickets and stalls. Adverts will also be placed on our official NHSF Leeds website. Furthermore, you will have access to our membership database and contact list. All of these allow

us to show gratitude for all you have done for this charitable organisation.


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